AP Summer Sketchbook Assignment

One of the most important attributes of any visual artist is visual acumen, or the ability to discern and recognize the interesting and intriguing visual cues around us. Through strong powers of observation, both of the external and internal world, artists build a repertoire of imagery, themes and approaches toward art production that provide them with the ingredients to build powerful compositions and visual ideas.

The sketches should be visual note taking, but may also combine words, collage and various media. They ARE NOT required to be finished drawings, but should record ideas that you may work with as your CONCENTRATION develops.
Throughout the summer each AP Studio Art student will be required to record in his or her sketchbook, a minimum of 8 specific observations that the student has become aware of. This may take several forms: 

1. Sketch of an interesting place, person or thing.
2. Sketch from imagination regarding a new idea, form or technique. 3. A written note, paragraph, poem, etc. that records an interesting

4. A mixed media montage of events heard or seen on the news.
5. Drawings of artwork or sculpture from a museum.
6. Draw things you find around the house (common household items). 7. Draw something soft.
8. Draw a piece of jewelry enlarged (larger than real life).
9. Sketches of plant forms. Look for details!

10. Draw a reflection in something shiny.

The goal is to make you aware of how aware you are within your own environment and the abundance of new and powerful imagery and ideas available to the artist who remains visually and intellectually vigilant of your surroundings.

Completed sketchbook is due the first day of school in the Fall. You will not receive a grade higher than a B for the first grading period if you fail to complete this assignment.

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